How to get first 1000 customers ✌๐๐
Best way to takes first 1000 customers are ...... (1)- Beginning is often with freelancing . => Ready -> Aim -> Fire (2)-Focused pilot market--> ❤-Win smaller market. ❤- Maximise initial profits. ❤- Focous on value creation ❤NOT do , Multiple market segments. Asked the question in your mind- (1)-is your customer well funded ? (2)-Is your customer easily accessible ? (3)-Is there a compelling reason to buy? (4)-Can you make product quickly ? (5)- Is there a competition barrier? (6)- What will you do next if you win the market? Some important question about customers.. (1)- Customer ready to prey-pay ? (2)- Deposit (3)- Letter of intent (4)- Agree to pilot or trail. (5)- Express a strong interest. (3) - Customer profiling :-> Mini biography of a real user --> - Gender ( Male or Female) -Career-> Stable or un stable - Purchasing power ? - Religion ? - Cast? -Live ? - Region ? - Geography ? - Language ? (4)-Build y...